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Final Report of Hospital Feasibility Study

Hospital Development

File Type




Jl. Tukad Pakerisan Gg 18B No. 4

Panjer, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia - 80225

Date of Birth:

May, 05 1960

Our Report would include:

1. Market Feasibility Studies to help you geta better understanding of:

  • Existing medical facilities available in the Primary & Secondary catchment areas of your Hospital.

  • Need gaps if any in the existing medical facilities which the new hospital can help fulfil

  • Opinion of Healthcare Practitioners in the area on the need and the set of specialities that would work given the needs.

  • Modalities the new hospital should adopt which will potentially attract patients from nearby areas in the State

  • For More Details on Market Feasibility Studies and Project Report, Contact our ACME's Hospital Feasibility Study Division


2. Detailed Project Report (DPR), to provide you :

  • Cost of the Project - Land, Building, Equipment & Services.

  • Cost of running the Hospital - Cost of Operations.

  • Breakeven Levels of Operation for achieving Profitability?

  • Profit & Loss and Cash Flow Projections over a 10-year period


3. Equipment Planning, Procurement, Installation & Commissioning.

  • Developing full list of Equipment, along with the Budget

  • Selecting right equipment based on price, end user requirements, upgradeability, availability of technical support, accessories and spare parts

  • Procurement support, including tender documents

  • Preparing the layout of final equipment &space requirements

  • Installation & Commissioning Support

Table of Containt Final Feasibility Report

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